Friday, June 5, 2020

Screen- Printed bags!

I've been wanted to do some form of printed bags and pouches for a while now; especialy as I'm a Textile Surface Designer I thought it was about time I add some fabric items to our product list. It's not as easy as I first hoped due to pricing mainly and hope to go about it- digital or printmaking?

As a Surface Designer I do sell my designs on 'Print on demand' sites which is great to get my work out there but to buy a range say of printed bags for me to sell on isn't cost effective or in my budget at the moment. Then there's hand- printing which I love the idea of as it's my design work plus handmade; which is what Pattern Rabbit Crafts is all about. I started off last year with small printed pouches using my own stencils and have been working on designs for lino printing as well. At the begining of the year I decided I wanted to create hand printed items and have finally achieved it. I've invested in some equiptment and have created my own 'screens' which I am able to hand print with.

I've stared off with tote bags but have so many ideas flowing for the possiblities with what I can create using my own screen-printed designs.

So here is our latest product; no longer a dream idea- yes my first print is a patterned rabbit :D

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