Sunday, August 2, 2020

Die cut Bookmarks

Another new product range! These are great I think; super unique and a great simple gift. I love the idea that for a bookmark- material, shape and colour can pratically be anything as long as it will fit in a book is your only restraint really. So after creating my screen-printed bookmarks which are a simple strip; I started thinking about shaped bookmarks for something even more different.

So these bookmarks have been die cut out of cork using my own unique designs of an owl, leaf and decorative strip. They're backed with kraft card to add structure and come in different textures of cork. They look great in a book; these are definately the type of bookmark you wouldn't want to mis-place.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Greeting Cards

When I first started crafting years back; it was making handmade greeting cards from cardmaking products- toppers, die-cuts and stamps etc. I then started developing my own designs and putting them on gifts. When doing stalls at craft fairs I've not been able to sell cards as like jewellery- lots of crafters seem to be making them and the events would be full for cards. Since focusing on my pyrography and other gifts I haven't really done any cards. I've been trying to find the right time for developing some new ideas for cards and after working on my screen-printed totes and loving the imagery created; I've decided to use the artwork for greeting cards.

I've kept them quite simple really; keeping the artwork as on the tote bags themselves- just changing the colours on a few. As thinking of the enviroment has become so much more important to so many shoppers out there buying handemade, I thought this was a good opportunity to look for as eco friendly supplies as I could. So for these greeting cards; they are digitally printed on a good weight card stock of 350gsm which is all recyled card with recyled kraft envelopes too.

I'm pleased with the result as it shows that as a small business we do think and care about the enviroment and are trying to make more eco changes where we can. We aren't currently plastic free as yet but as much as we can; bubblewrap and bags used for storing items before they're sold are all reused and I don't send any items out for postage in plastic bags.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

New boxes

Between all the new product projects I've been working on; I'm also continuing with new designs for pyrographed boxes. We've got some new shaped boxes aswell; this one is bag/case shaped :)

Saturday, June 20, 2020

More Screen-printing!

So I've been having fun over the last weekends and have done more screen-printed tote bags. As you can see my designs are very much nature inspired. Birds, Bees, Butterflies and of course Bunnies x

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Folksy Shop back open!

I have decided it's time to reopen our Folksy shop due to Lockdown easing. I've started to add some of the new Mixed Media notebooks and coasters. More items will be added soon so keep checking in.

Friday, June 5, 2020

Screen- Printed bags!

I've been wanted to do some form of printed bags and pouches for a while now; especialy as I'm a Textile Surface Designer I thought it was about time I add some fabric items to our product list. It's not as easy as I first hoped due to pricing mainly and hope to go about it- digital or printmaking?

As a Surface Designer I do sell my designs on 'Print on demand' sites which is great to get my work out there but to buy a range say of printed bags for me to sell on isn't cost effective or in my budget at the moment. Then there's hand- printing which I love the idea of as it's my design work plus handmade; which is what Pattern Rabbit Crafts is all about. I started off last year with small printed pouches using my own stencils and have been working on designs for lino printing as well. At the begining of the year I decided I wanted to create hand printed items and have finally achieved it. I've invested in some equiptment and have created my own 'screens' which I am able to hand print with.

I've stared off with tote bags but have so many ideas flowing for the possiblities with what I can create using my own screen-printed designs.

So here is our latest product; no longer a dream idea- yes my first print is a patterned rabbit :D

Monday, May 18, 2020

Rabbit Notebooks

A closer look at some of our new mixed media notebooks; here's two with rabbit designs yet completly different; which I feel is the beauty of using mixed media as each time something different is created.

The first is A6 coloured purple with ink & paint sprays with cork die-cut rabbit

The second is A5. It has more of the ground of the cover showing through between the brightly coloured blues & pinks splattered on it's surface. The rabbit silhouette has been created using textured drops with a white outline.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Mixed Media Notebooks

Another of my 'Lockdown' projects; a new set of Mixed Media Notebooks. They come intwo sizes A6 & A5 so good for travel as won't weigh down a bag.

These have been created using a range of techniques; I've used ink & paint, done a bit of stenciling and added die-cut cork of my own designs on top. They're made from recycled cardboard and have a handy strap to them closed.

Monday, April 27, 2020

New Ceramic coasters

So one of my 'Lockdown' projects is working on some new mixed media Marbled Coasters; such a fun project!

Love the intence colours of these

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Lockdown Folksy update

Due to the lockdown situation our Folksy shop is on a temporary shutdown as our local post office isn't nearby. We will let you know when we are back up and running but in the mean time we will be working on new designs and ideas so keep checking in xx

Die cut Bookmarks

Another new product range! These are great I think; super unique and a great simple gift. I love the idea that for a bookmark- material, sha...